
New Copyright Office Proposal for Group Registration of Visual Art (GR2D)

As a general rule, a copyright registration covers an individual work, and you must prepare a separate application and submit a separate filing fee and deposit for each work you want to register. Under the recently proposed copyright rules, artist can register multiple works of two-dimensional artwork, such as illustrations, paintings and drawings in a single application.

“The Rock” from WWE Superstar to Trademark Tycoon

The Rock recently negotiated to have the WWE assign all of the rights to his WWE intellectual property including branding components like his nickname, costume, voice, image and even insults used in the WWE. As part of acquiring the rights in his branding, he agreed to license it back to the WWE for the next 10 years.  

Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property: A Guide to Navigating IP License Agreement

In the dynamic realm of business, intellectual property (IP) stands as a cornerstone of innovation and competitive advantage. From groundbreaking inventions to captivating creative works, IP assets hold immense value, often serving as the lifeblood of successful enterprises. To fully realize the potential of their IP, companies often engage IP Attorneys to help Navigate IP license agreements, strategic partnerships that enable the transfer of IP rights for mutually beneficial outcomes.